
Nurturing social emotional skills for children through storytelling and technology

TinyTales has been awarded the $10,500 Design Award from the Digital Learning Design Challenge hosted by the Stanford Accelerator for learning.

My Role

In this two-year long project, I designed TinyTales from scratch with my project partner, serving as product designer and product manager. This project was born out of conversations with elementary teachers about the decline of social emotional skills amongst their students and discontent with current tools for social emotional education. Since then, the project has taken on 4 rounds of prototypes, over 60 interviews with parent, teachers, and behavioral professionals, and many user testing sessions. Find more about the process below.


  • Figma/Figjam: for both project roadmapping and UX designs

  • Otter.ai: for transcribing interviews

  • Prompt Engineering ChatGPT: for experimentation during prototyping

  • React Native: for app building

Brief Demo of Prototype 4


Following the human-centered design process, in each prototype, I aimed to answer a specific question through testing. From a physical card deck to a choose your own adventure digital game mirroring beloved children’s books to a game incorporating technologies like animation and text-to-speech, TinyTales underwent multiple iterations.